Admission of Rwanda to Commonwealth caps off assassination, genocide, and civil war
(WMR) -- The admission of Rwanda to the Commonwealth of Nations, headed up by Queen Elizabeth II, caps off a campaign engineered by the intelligence services of Britain, the United States, and Israel to transform Rwanda from a Francophone country with close ties to France into an English-speaking country with close links to Washington, London, and Jerusalem.
The operation to claim Rwanda as a client state of the United States and its allies began when Rwanda's current president was enrolled as a student at the U.S. Army's Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, before his Rwandan Patriotic Army forces invaded Rwanda from Uganda.
In 1994, Rwanda's pro-French Hutu president, Juvenal Habyarimana, along with Hutu President of Burundi Cyprien Ntaryamira were assassinated in a missile attack carried out by Kagame's U.S. and mercenary-backed forces on the Rwandan presidential aircraft, plunging Rwanda into genocide and civil war.
In the succeeding years, U.S. intelligence used Rwanda as a base for two invasions of Zaire/Congo that saw the overthrow of one-time U.S. Zairean client Mobutu Sese Seko and an attempted overthrow of his Rwandan- and Ugandan-installed successor, Congolese President Laurent D. Kabila. The plan of Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was to set up a group of central African states loyal to the economic and military interests of the United States, Israel, and Britain, particularly the diamond mining interests of Albright's diamond tycoon Belgian-Jewish boyfriend, Maurice Tempelsman.
Today, Rwanda is a dictatorship whose president, Kagame, consistently receives the praises of the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. However, Rwanda is a dictatorship that oppresses freedom of speech, opposition political movements, and will accuse opponents of being "genocidaires," participants in the killing of Tutsis in 1994, if they dare criticize Kagame's regime. Many Hutu Rwandans have been forced to flee the country, creating a Hutu diaspora that receives scant attention and even abuse from Kagame's friends and supporters in the international "Holocaust" community.
Before his assassination in 2001, Kabila was also trying to transform Congo into an English-speaking country. The "Anglophone conspiracy" is outlined in this editor's book. "Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999":
"Some of the Kinshasans who turned out to welcome Kabila's [Kagame-backed] rebel forces became uncomfortable when they discovered their "liberators" spoke only Swahili, English, Portuguese, and Kinyarwanda, tongues as foreign to the Lingala speaking people of western Zaire as was Russian, Finnish, and Polish to Italians. The Congolese then experienced another language shock. Long a Francophone country, Kabila proclaimed English as an official language of the country. His ally, Kagame, had earlier made a similar pronouncement for French speaking Rwanda. Furthermore, Kabila's six bodyguards were said to be non-Zairian "tall, English speaking gentlemen." France's fears of an `Anglophone conspiracy' did not seem to be totally without merit. In addition, most of Kabila's government ministers were foreign citizens. They carried passports from Germany, the United States, and Rwanda. Kinyarwanda-speaking troops posted outside the Finance Ministry in Kinshasa were unable to read the French ID cards of ministry workers. Never before in history had so many foreign citizens occupied the top government posts of an independent country."
Showing his own sycophantic loyalty to the Anglo-American axis, French President Nicolas Sarkozy quickly restored diplomatic relations with Rwanda after the African nation announced it was joining the Commonwealth.
Previously published in the Wayne Madsen Report.
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Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required).Copyright © 1998-2007 Online Journal
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